Our Pediatric Dentists At Discovery Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics In Carlsbad, CA Welcome New Patients!

Now and always, our pediatric specialists are passionate about helping young patients develop oral hygiene habits that will benefit them now and in the future. Whether you’re interested in having your child’s smile assessed for the first time, establishing great oral health habits, or having an oral health concern treated, we’re here for you!

In addition to always booking appointments that prioritize your busy schedule, we also provide a comprehensive in-house dental membership club, accept CareCredit financing, and will submit insurance claims on your behalf. Call our friendly team today!

New Patient?

Please fill out the easy-to-use, private, and secure intake form.

Many Insurance Plans Accepted

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Making insurance easy!

We understand & explain details & file claims on your behalf!
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No insurance?

Ask about our in-house dental membership club and CareCredit financing!
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Get the most out of
your coverage!

We’ll help you maximize your insurance.